Sunday, September 30, 2007

Asimov Reading Response

In this piece and in 1984 the societies/governments/power holders are both out to create a new perfect society. In this piece humans are trying to create the more perfect society by making robots in 1984 the government was trying to create the perfect society by controlling the citizen's minds and actions. If George Orwell and Isaac Asimov were to have dinner together they would talk of the society of today and how it's even more corrupt and messed up and other things like what could be done to make it better. One might say that it is impossible to fix society because no matter what is done there are still even bigger problems that cannot be fixed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1st blog

1. The Watts' thesis is that there is some special taboo on religion. 2. He feels that religion is religion and that even though there is a taboo on religion he's not gonna be afraid to do what he does even if it goes against or offends another. 3. he says that god is nature and that god is just playing hide and seek with himself in people so nature can not be conquered because it all powerful. 4. he says that the new experience should be "I". "our normal sensation of self is a hoax or, at best, a temporary role that we are playing." (pg. 11 2nd par) 5. he thinks that myths are lies and that "mythical explanations of the world are crude." (pg 15 3rd par) 6. he says that you must inflat the ego and when a person with an inflated ego gets brought down or popped you discover yourself. 7. people believe things because they are absurd is one thing said in teh excerpt however in 1984 winston is trying to not beleive in the absurd hes trying to get to the truth he does not want to beleive what hes being told anymore.