Monday, October 15, 2007

Harrison Bergeron

Vonnegut is satirizing quite a few things in this piece. I feel that he first satirizes the leader of our country by making him so big, saying that he is a genius, and because he's so smart. That is alot how our government thinks it is even though they never really say it. Also when the Handicap General came and shot Harrison and his emporess is like a resemblence to how the United States just goes into Iraq and starts a war. This story is told in third person. This story is more effectively told in this point of view rather than from first person Harrison Bergeron because if its told from first person opinions may be thrown into the text such as Harrison telling why he did what he did, stories have greater impacts if they do not have an opinion. (That did not come out how I wanted to so it sounds like I'm saying that stories without personal opinion dont make an impact which is not what I really mean). In Harrison Bergeron both men and women are the same, infact all the people are the saem as each other too. Both men and women are given handicaps that do not allow one person to become better than another. Another way that Vonnegut creates equal people in this stroy is that he has Harrison choose an Empiress that will share his power and throne.

1 comment:

Rory said...

Blogger has spell-check!