Sunday, December 2, 2007

"Dead Poets Society" Response

I would rate this movie a 8 or 9.

I like this movie a lot I actually think that if I were ever bored or even if I weren't I'd watch it over again. I think that the theme of the movie many people could relate to, the whole new teacher inspiring the students. I also think that this movie had a strong message about speaking out against the "authorities" and about conformity. It says something about how poetry is a way to not conform and how poetry is like an art that breaks away from what society really acts like.

I think it is very relevant to poetry because it shows how people can get sucked in to poetry. It helps to show students that poetry is not just something that they had to learn it could actually be enjoyable. I think that if you can get students to really want to study poetry like Robin Williams' character did for the students that the impact on the students actually learning the materials and they could od better on the tests on it that they have to take.

I think that this movie should be shown in future AP classes. First this movie shows how much a student could learn if they actually got into the poetry subject. If students see how poetry made the characters in the movie react they may want to learn more about it also. Another reason is that to me this movie is almost like a poem in itself. For instance, the characters end up having to deal with suicide and love and conformity which is what many poems are themed around. Students can learn things like that from watching this movie.

1 comment:

Rory said...


awesome response. you got it the way i think you were supposed to get it.

a few items:

don't use "i," even in a response like this.
